Daddy’s Girl

So today is my dad’s birthday. He would have been 61 years old today and still looking good. Yes I said it my dad was hot! But then again I’m such a daddy’s girl it’s not even funny!
My dad died when I was 13 from pancreatic cancer. He was only 46 years old.
There are days when I really wish he still here. It’s funny because I married my dad. The way my hubs treats me is how my dad treated my mom and i know he would have loved my hubs. I could see them joking around in the backyard drinking a beer smoking their stoggies.
My mom always says that my dad wouldn’t have approved of my hubs because he is white. I think she’s the one that had those issues. My dad just wanted for his kids to be happy and treated well. And that my hubs defiantly does!
When we got married I had a pic of my dad up at the alter. It made my aunt cry. She didn’t think I would remember.
How could I ever forget him?
There are things that I have forgotten like the sound of his voice or his smell… No I take that back I remember his smell : ) but I will never forget the way he made me feel and the love he had for us. I will one day tell my son all about his grandpa who’s name he shares. I can’t wait.
I look at the way my hubs is with our lil one and have flash backs of the times I shared with my dad. All I can do is smile. I found someone who is a great father like my dad was that’s all I ever wanted.
One day I’ll share more about this remarkable man I call my father. But today I just want to celebrate his life and the love I have for him. Happy birthday daddy from your girl!
